Jukić, Oliver

Formalna specifikacija telekomunikacijskih problema i agenata za njihovo rješavanje : doktorski rad / Oliver Jukić ; [mentor Marijan Kunštić] - Zagreb: O. Jukić ; Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 2011. - 125 str. : ilustr. ; 30 cm + CD

Sažetak: U doktorskom radu je predstavljena formalna infrastruktura za opis alarma i problema na telekomunikacijskoj mreži. Definiran je odnos alarma i problema te su predstavljeni algoritmi i načini prepoznavanja mrežnih problema koreliranjem alarma. Naznačena je uloga prepoznavanja problema u delegiranju rješavateljskog korpusa danog problema, koji čine programski agenti. Kako je agentsko problemsko okruženje telekomunikacijska mreža, razmotren je kritički i sustav upravljanja telekomunikacijskom mrežom s posebnim osvrtom na elemente teorije hijerarhijskih sustava, s raspoređenim agentima na različitim nivoima hijerarhije, što vodi prema hijerarhijskom upravljanju telekomunikacijskom mrežom. Prezentirano je programsko rješenje i rezultati dobiveni primjenom tog rješenja, te naznačena mogućnost korištenja znanstveno-istraživačkih rezultata u kreiranju integriranog pogleda na status telekomunikacijske mreže. Ključne riječi: prepoznavanje problema, hijerarhijski sustav upravljanja, korelacija alarma, programski agenti. Abstract: In this doctoral thesis formal infrastructure for alarm description as well as problem description is presented. Problems and alarms are considered in telecommunications network environment. Relation between alarm and problem is defined, where problem is considered to be presented by specific alarm sequence. Specific sequences are recognized among alarm incoming stream using different alarm correlation techniques. Problem recognition is obviously first step toward solving corpus delegation. Problem solving corpus is set of programming agents capable to cope with recognized problem. Since agent's problem environment is telecommunications network, critical discussion on hierarchical management systems is done. Agents are considered as autonomous units of management knowledge distributed over different management planes in hierarchical management structure. Acting as “autonomous unit” allows hierarchical system that is not centralized; it is rather distributed and hierarchically organized. Since results are integrated into programming solution for discovering of potential alarm correlations, results based on real data are presented. Presented results are affirmative since allow reduction of incoming alarms number in parallel with problem recognition. Potential usage of such data in creation of integrated view on telecommunications network status is marked, as a way mark for future work. Keywords: problem recognition, hierarchical management system, alarm correlation, programming agents.


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