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Clustering maintenance algorithms in ad-hoc networks = Algoritmi održavanja klastera u Ad-Hoc mreži : : master thesis master thesis = magistarski rad / Haris Hadžić ; [mentor Maja Matijašević]

By: Hadžić, Haris.
Contributor(s): Matijašević, Maja [ths].
Material type: TextTextPublisher: Zagreb : H. Hadžić ; Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, 2011Description: vii, 71 str. : graf. prikazi ; 30 cm + CD.Summary: Ovaj magistarski rad istražuje klastere i algoritme za održavanja klastera potrebnih za rješavanje problema vezanih uz nepostojanje mrežne infrastrukture privremenih pokretnih mreža. Cilj je bio predložiti i usporediti nove kao i već postojeće algoritme za održavanja klastera. Četiri su nova algoritma, „Cluster head centric maintenance“, „DSDV-based maintenance“, „Connectivity-based maintenance” i „Two-hop based maintenance,” implementirana, te su njihove performanse ocjenjene u simuliranom okruženju (OMNeT++). Ova četiri algoritma su uspoređena međusobno, kao i s periodičkim reklasteriranjem, koji postoji u literaturi. Rezultati su pokazali da „Cluster head centric maintenance“ algoritam uzrokuje manji promet za održavanje i konfiguraciju mreže. Ograničenje na veličinu klastera može biti korisno u stvaranju manje dodatnog prometa za održavanje mreže. „Cluster head centric maintenance“ algoritam, čiji je cilj najjednostavnije ostvariti u odnosu na ostatak algoritama i koji je pokazao općenito najbolje rezultate, čini se najprikladnijim za daljnja istraživanja i implementaciju u aplikacijama orijentiranim prema gustim privremenim pokretnim mrežama. Na kraju su prestavljeni nekoliko scenarija za moguce primjene. - KLJUČNE RIJEČI: Privremene Pokretne Mreže; Pokretni čvorovi; Klasteriranje; Održavanje Klastera; Skalabilnost; StabilnostSummary: This master thesis investigates clustering and cluster maintenance algorithms needed to solve problems connected to a lack of MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) infrastructure and the continuously changing topology of a MANET. A goal was to develop, investigate and compare new as well as existing clustering algorithms. Four new algorithms, Cluster head centric maintenance, DSDV-based maintenance, Connectivity-based maintenance and Two-hop based maintenance, have been proposed, implemented and evaluated in the simulated environment (OMNeT++). These four algorithms have been compared toward each other and toward periodic reclustering, as found in literature. Results showed that simpler algorithm is, the less maintenance and configuration traffic it will create. A constraint on the cluster size can benefit in less maintenance communication overhead. Cluster head centric maintenance, which idea is the simplest to achieve compared to the rest of the algorithms and that showed in general the best results, seems to be the algorithm for further investigation and implementation toward application oriented dense MANET networks. Finally the thesis presents several scenarios for potential applications. - KEYWORDS: MANETs; Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks; Mobile Nodes; Clustering; Cluster Maintenance; Scalability; Stability
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Magistarski rad Magistarski rad Središnja knjižnica
KF-4552 29121 Available 0000000847865
Magistarski rad Magistarski rad Središnja knjižnica
KF-4552 29121/cd 1 CD 0000000847872
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Na spor. nasl. str.: Master thesis written at the Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb.

Bibliografija: str. 63-66. - Kazalo oznaka: str. 67. - Sažetak na eng. i hrv.

Ovaj magistarski rad istražuje klastere i algoritme za održavanja klastera potrebnih za rješavanje problema vezanih uz nepostojanje mrežne infrastrukture privremenih pokretnih mreža. Cilj je bio predložiti i usporediti nove kao i već postojeće algoritme za održavanja klastera. Četiri su nova algoritma, „Cluster head centric maintenance“, „DSDV-based maintenance“, „Connectivity-based maintenance” i „Two-hop based maintenance,” implementirana, te su njihove performanse ocjenjene u simuliranom okruženju (OMNeT++). Ova četiri algoritma su uspoređena međusobno, kao i s periodičkim reklasteriranjem, koji postoji u literaturi. Rezultati su pokazali da „Cluster head centric maintenance“ algoritam uzrokuje manji promet za održavanje i konfiguraciju mreže. Ograničenje na veličinu klastera može biti korisno u stvaranju manje dodatnog prometa za održavanje mreže. „Cluster head centric maintenance“ algoritam, čiji je cilj najjednostavnije ostvariti u odnosu na ostatak algoritama i koji je pokazao općenito najbolje rezultate, čini se najprikladnijim za daljnja istraživanja i implementaciju u aplikacijama orijentiranim prema gustim privremenim pokretnim mrežama. Na kraju su prestavljeni nekoliko scenarija za moguce primjene. - KLJUČNE RIJEČI: Privremene Pokretne Mreže; Pokretni čvorovi; Klasteriranje; Održavanje Klastera; Skalabilnost; Stabilnost

This master thesis investigates clustering and cluster maintenance algorithms needed to solve problems connected to a lack of MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) infrastructure and the continuously changing topology of a MANET. A goal was to develop, investigate and compare new as well as existing clustering algorithms. Four new algorithms, Cluster head centric maintenance, DSDV-based maintenance, Connectivity-based maintenance and Two-hop based maintenance, have been proposed, implemented and evaluated in the simulated environment (OMNeT++). These four algorithms have been compared toward each other and toward periodic reclustering, as found in literature. Results showed that simpler algorithm is, the less maintenance and configuration traffic it will create. A constraint on the cluster size can benefit in less maintenance communication overhead. Cluster head centric maintenance, which idea is the simplest to achieve compared to the rest of the algorithms and that showed in general the best results, seems to be the algorithm for further investigation and implementation toward application oriented dense MANET networks. Finally the thesis presents several scenarios for potential applications. - KEYWORDS: MANETs; Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks; Mobile Nodes; Clustering; Cluster Maintenance; Scalability; Stability

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