Rezervacija resursa u sljedećoj generaciji telekomunikacijskih mreža : magistarski rad / Barbara Pavelić Grbić ; [mentor Mladen Kos]
By: Pavelić Grbić, Barbara.
Contributor(s): Kos, Mladen [mentor].
Material type: TextPublisher: Zagreb, B. Pavelić Grbić ; Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva : 2012Description: 73 str. : ilustr. ; 30 cm + CD.Dissertation note: 30.01.2012. Summary: SAŽETAK: Pritisak konkurencije i pojava novih višemedijskih usluga natjerali su prvenstveno fiksne operatore na migraciju ka mrežnoj arhitekturi sljedeće generacije (eng. Next Generation Network, NGN) s podsustavom za upravljanje uslugama temeljenim na mrežnoj arhitekturi IP višemedijskog sustava (eng. IP Multimedia Subsystem, IMS). Najčešće usluge u arhitekturi NGN jesu usluga prijenosa govora internetskim protokolom (eng. Voice over IP, VoIP), neke višemedijske usluge i u pravilu posebne, dedicirane mreže za uslugu prijenosa televizije internetskim protokolom (eng. IP Television, IPTV) i uslugu video na zahtjev (eng. Video on Demand, VoD) uz postojeću uslugu brzog pristupa Internetu, koje koriste iste resurse pristupne mreže. Koliko god brižljivo planirali mrežne resurse, korisnički zahtjevi mogu premašiti kapacitete mreže i to posebice u pristupnom dijelu mreže i tako (kvalitetnu) onemogućiti realizaciju usluge. Osigurati predvidivu kvalitetu u mrežama s nepredvidivim korištenjem usluga jest zadatak za podsustav za kontrolu resursa i pristupa arhitekture NGN (Resource and Admission Control Subsystem, RACS) kojega definira standardizacijsko tijelo TISPAN (eng. Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking) unutar ETSI (eng. European Telecommunications Standards Institute) standardizacijskog tijela. Ovaj rad se prvenstveno bavi ulogom podsustava RACS u standardizacijskim okvirima TISPAN, u arhitekturi NGN fiksne pristupne mreže s mrežom IMS kao podsustavom za kontrolu usluga. - KLJUČNE RIJEČI: mreže sljedeće generacije, IP višemedijski sustav, ETSI TISPAN, kontrola resursa, kvaliteta usluge, RACS, RACF, SPDFSummary: SUMMARY: The pressure of competition and the emergence of new multimedia services have forced primarily fixed operators to migrate to Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture with service control subsystem based on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The most common services introduced into the NGN are Voice over IP (VoIP), multimedia services and usually dedicated networks for IP television (IPTV) and Video on Demand (VoD) services with existing high speed Internet service, using the same access network resources. No matter how carefully network resources are planned, users service requests may exceed the capacity of the network, especially in the access part and therefore prevent the service realization with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). To ensure predictable quality in networks with unpredictable service usage is a task for NGN subsystem Resource and Admission Control Subsystem (RACS) that is defined by Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN) within European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). This work is primarily focusing on the role of the RACS subsystem within TISPAN standardization, for the NGN architecture with fixed access network with the IMS network as a service control subsystem. - KEY WORDS: Next Generation Network, IP Multimedia Subsystem, ETSI TISPAN, Resource Control, Quality of Service, RACS, RACF, SPDFItem type | Current location | Call number | Copy number | Status | Notes | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
Magistarski rad | Središnja knjižnica KF | KF-4571 | 29174 | Available | 0000000855556 | |||
Magistarski rad | Središnja knjižnica KF | KF-4571 | 29174/CD | 1 | CD-ROM | 0000000855563 |
Naslov nad sažetkom na eng. jeziku: Resource reservation in next generation networks
Bibliografija: str. 66-67. - Kazalo skraćenica. - Sažetak na eng. i hrv. jeziku. - Životopis
SAŽETAK: Pritisak konkurencije i pojava novih višemedijskih usluga natjerali su prvenstveno fiksne operatore na migraciju ka mrežnoj arhitekturi sljedeće generacije (eng. Next Generation Network, NGN) s podsustavom za upravljanje uslugama temeljenim na mrežnoj arhitekturi IP višemedijskog sustava (eng. IP Multimedia Subsystem, IMS). Najčešće usluge u arhitekturi NGN jesu usluga prijenosa govora internetskim protokolom (eng. Voice over IP, VoIP), neke višemedijske usluge i u pravilu posebne, dedicirane mreže za uslugu prijenosa televizije internetskim protokolom (eng. IP Television, IPTV) i uslugu video na zahtjev (eng. Video on Demand, VoD) uz postojeću uslugu brzog pristupa Internetu, koje koriste iste resurse pristupne mreže. Koliko god brižljivo planirali mrežne resurse, korisnički zahtjevi mogu premašiti kapacitete mreže i to posebice u pristupnom dijelu mreže i tako (kvalitetnu) onemogućiti realizaciju usluge. Osigurati predvidivu kvalitetu u mrežama s nepredvidivim korištenjem usluga jest zadatak za podsustav za kontrolu resursa i pristupa arhitekture NGN (Resource and Admission Control Subsystem, RACS) kojega definira standardizacijsko tijelo TISPAN (eng. Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking) unutar ETSI (eng. European Telecommunications Standards Institute) standardizacijskog tijela. Ovaj rad se prvenstveno bavi ulogom podsustava RACS u standardizacijskim okvirima TISPAN, u arhitekturi NGN fiksne pristupne mreže s mrežom IMS kao podsustavom za kontrolu usluga. - KLJUČNE RIJEČI: mreže sljedeće generacije, IP višemedijski sustav, ETSI TISPAN, kontrola resursa, kvaliteta usluge, RACS, RACF, SPDF
SUMMARY: The pressure of competition and the emergence of new multimedia services have forced primarily fixed operators to migrate to Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture with service control subsystem based on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The most common services introduced into the NGN are Voice over IP (VoIP), multimedia services and usually dedicated networks for IP television (IPTV) and Video on Demand (VoD) services with existing high speed Internet service, using the same access network resources. No matter how carefully network resources are planned, users service requests may exceed the capacity of the network, especially in the access part and therefore prevent the service realization with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). To ensure predictable quality in networks with unpredictable service usage is a task for NGN subsystem Resource and Admission Control Subsystem (RACS) that is defined by Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN) within European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). This work is primarily focusing on the role of the RACS subsystem within TISPAN standardization, for the NGN architecture with fixed access network with the IMS network as a service control subsystem. - KEY WORDS: Next Generation Network, IP Multimedia Subsystem, ETSI TISPAN, Resource Control, Quality of Service, RACS, RACF, SPDF
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